WELCOME to Present Age Ministries, where we are committed to combating the sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking of teen girls. I am so thankful that you took the time to stop by. Present Age is a nonprofit agency that has been around for 14 years, and with each year that passes, there is an increased excitement and focus on the mission set before us. There are stories of hope and transformation to be written but we need YOU!
We have taken time to group the most commonly asked questions here on this page, but feel free to explore. We look forward to getting to know you and serving alongside of you.
Si bien somos una organización basada en la fe, no discriminamos ni forzamos a aquellos a quienes servimos a compartir nuestras creencias. Buscamos brindar servicios de calidad a medida que reconstruimos la confianza, restauramos la esperanza y redefinimos el amor por los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual, explotación y tráfico.
Se espera que todos aquellos en el liderazgo, o que representan a los Ministerios de la Edad Presente en cualquier capacidad se asocien con nosotros en nuestra declaración de fe.